More Than 1,500 Organizations from All Over the World Use the Solution

"Our customers trust us to help them achieve success through the smart adoption of technology. The visibility that Flowmon provides, combined with stellar customer care, gives us the confidence to uphold this trust. The solution met our requirements to the letter, and it only took our engineers a second to learn."

Jan Dvorak

Product Manager

"The Flowmon solution is widely used in our company both by network and security engineers. Everyone receives the most important information necessary for their work."

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OZP is the third largest employee health insurance company in the Czech Republic. They implemented Flowmon APM to improve the availability and reliability of its critical applications. Application response time and user satisfaction is a top priority for OZP and Flowmon APM helps them identify bottlenecks and ensure smooth operation.

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"The information we are getting from Flowmon enables our IT admins to better understand our network and what goes on in it, automatically alerting us on anomalies while they are happening. That’s the kind of visibility that we completely lacked before and that, as the network grows in complexity during the time, we need."

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Ing. Massimo D’Eredità

Quality Group Board Member

With three locations, two outpatient clinics, 3,600 employees and 275 medical specialists, Haga Hospital is one of the largest general hospitals in the Netherlands. Flowmon provides the customer with greater insight into network traffic, affording them the ability to protect their business-critical applications.

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"The joint solution of Flowmon and F5 helps us keep our lines clear from malicious traffic even in the middle of an attack, preventing degradation of service on the side of our customers who are mostly ISPs and enterprises in western and central Africa..."

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Armen Durgaryan

Network Engineer

"Flowmon has completely transformed the way we deal with DDoS attacks – it has gone from being a very manual and time consuming process to being a fully automated solution with effective mitigation in under one minute..."

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David George

Network Convergence Consultant

"We called our network formerly a ‘Black Box’ because it was unclear what kind of traffic it turned. Regularly there were reports of applications were response was delayed, or that the network was slow. Sometimes we worked the traditional tools and used four to eight hours..."

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Wouter Kors

IT architect at Amstelland Hospital

Assuralia deployed Flowmon to get the needed insight into network traffic and applications. "Flowmon allows Assuralia to spot server response times that are out of shape and to put the corrective actions in place."

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Dirk Ruys

ICT Manager

A data-rich environment, multiple access points, culture of open information sharing. All of this makes universities and high schools an easy target for breaches. Learn how cloud-deployed Flowmon helps admins of Bornego College.

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"Thanks to Flowmon ADS, we are able to reveal threats and malicious behavior within the internal network. And what is the most important experience - we have significantly reduced incident resolution times for both operational and security incidents."

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Vittorio Cimin


The Flowmon solution gives Cyso such capabilities as quick DDoS attack detection with automatic mitigation (using both on-premise, out-of-path scrubbing centers), anomaly detection and defense strategy orchestration. Cyso is a leading provider of managed internet services, platforms and infrastructure for the corporate market in the Netherlands...

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“The biggest benefit of the implementation is the ability to provide quick and reliable information about networking events. Flowmon is an extremely valuable tool to automate the process of monitoring our own data center infrastructure as well as client systems.”

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Piotr Szalony

System Engineer

“Flowmon was superior, including the ease of introduction, when considering the performance, desired functions, and cost merits. After introducing it, there is no doubt that identification of the cause of issues has become easier than before.”

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Inutake Masahiro

ICT Service Group 4 Team Leader

The customer uses Flowmon to get an easy-to-understand overview and to perform root cause analysis in their network, which has thousands of hosts and over 140 flow data exporters. SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company.

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Flowmon helps TELE Greenland to protect their large infrastructure against DDoS attacks and provides the IT operations team with a detailed and centralized view on the network traffic.

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Toya chose the Flowmon solution for its unmatched performance, broad feature set and cost effectiveness. Flowmon is used for network visibility, anomaly detection and DDoS attack protection. Toya is one of the biggest Internet service providers in Poland.

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Uniserver Internet searched for a comprehensive and fast solution for DDoS attack detection with the ability to reroute traffic via the NaWas scrubbing. Dynamic baselining resulting in minimal additional configuration of the solution was also one of the requirements. Uniserver Internet is a leading cloud hosting provider on the Dutch market...

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“We found Flowmon to be best option to replace our flow monitoring solution which didn’t scale enough to fit our business requirements. The PoC confirmed that Flowmon was easy to deploy, use, and maintain...”

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Agnieszka Naglak

Senior Systems Engineer

"Our priority was to improve the visibility of our infrastructure, as in our manufacturing segment network outages automatically lead to financial losses. So we decided that besides the tools such as Cisco Prime we would invest in a flow data monitoring solution..."

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Peter Skorvanek

Network Administrator

"After three months of intensive testing we were able to prove that Flowmon was the right product due to its performance, anomaly detection capabilities, scalability in GÉANT and its simplicity when managing and configuring."

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Wayne Routly

Head of Information & Infrastructure Security

"Thanks to Flowmon, we are provided with network visibility we previously lacked. Now we can identify the causes of network issues easier than ever before." Flowmon answered SEGA's requirements for a high-quality solution for deep insight and fast troubleshooting of network traffic from multiple branches and facilities.

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Masahiro Sato


"The combination of great value for money, our experience with the vendors’ support and their feature-set sealed our decision. Flowmon provides the flexibility we need to grow with our clients’ future business needs."

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Joost Westerbeek

IT Network Engineer

"At Eurona, we cannot afford to risk our good relationship with customers by providing a fluctuating service. But with insight from Flowmon, we always know what to do to provide them with the best we can."

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Alejandro Reguart

R&D Manager

"With Flowmon, we receive an alert whenever there is any important occurrence on our mission-critical servers. Thanks to the solution, our IT department is kept up to date on any relevant issues in real-time and can confidently step in and remediate."

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Carlo Bergalla

IT Director

“We have a responsibility to the public to keep our infrastructure functioning reliably for an indefinite length of time. Because of the pandemic, we had to quickly adapt to new circumstances and Flowmon has been integral to the transformation.”

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Dott. Alessandro Risso

IT Director

"With the Flowmon solution we can be certain that no issue goes unnoticed, giving us time to step in and remediate. The insights we get enable us to adopt a proactive approach to operational network management and thus ensure unwavering service delivery to all our customers."

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Martin Keprt

Head of Cyber and Physical Security Management

"The Flowmon is our go-to network troubleshooting tool that helps us resolve interlope network issues and provides us with insights into any threat activity that would put our company expertise in jeopardy."

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Attila Spisák

CIO and Facility Manager

"We hold customer centricity as one of our core values, and Flowmon is a necessary enabler of our ability to uphold our commitment to unwavering Internet service and steady growth."

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Hoang Viet Anh

Senior IP & Security Specialist

"Flowmon is an integral part of a complex system that collects network data from partner institutions and detects traffic anomalies, allowing us to enhance the interception capability of each organization with a global security perspective."

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Stanislav Barta

Head of the NTA Department

"Flowmon gives KBC with its Flow based Network Performance Monitoring tool a great overview of the dataflow metrics in the network so that the network health can be easily assessed. In case of an issue the tool allows very fast and efficient troubleshooting by visualize the traffic that is causing the problem."

Marc Daemen

Senior System Engineer

"The Flowmon APM gives us the most cost effective opportunity for monitoring our applications. The biggest benefit of this solution is that everything is done without any changes or performance impacts on the application platform."

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Stefan Feller

Head of IT at Pharma Mall

"In a matter of minutes you will have up and running an active DDoS defense. Without any configuration changes, topology changes or any additional investments in the network."

Jiri Stembera

Head of Data & IP Network Department at ČD - Telematika

"Flowmon Packet Investigator helps us to automate troubleshooting, which means we can spend less time in Wireshark PCAPs. Instead of going through packets manually, we know immediately what kind of issue we are dealing with and what the root cause is. And because we don't need deep knowledge of network protocols to use it, packet analysis is made available to every member of our IT team."

Jan Kovařík

IT Center Coordinator

"Flowmon Solution is one of the essential tools we use for network monitoring and network security. I appreciate the ease of deployment in the network, the quick training of our technicians as well as good support."

Vít Moravec

Head of project management

"The project of Flowmon solution deployment was set up in a very short time. Now thanks to the project we do not only fulfil the security legislative requirements for network monitoring, but we also markedly accelerate and streamline the administration of our network. In every moment we know what is happening in our network and we can immediately respond to specific situations."

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Peter Sterbak

IT Director at AEGON

"With the data from Flowmon, we can immediately move to resolve performance issues and make sure that degradations don’t hinder our ability to deliver high-quality parts to our customers."

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Ing. Massimo Petrini

Factory Manager

"KempFlowmon provides us with network visibility which we had previously lacked. Thanks to the integration with standard security incident process management, we have increased our ability to identify incidents and react in a timely manner."

Jan Adamovsky

CISO of Slovenska Sporitelna

Although we love to create new security monitoring tools, we also need a reliable cornerstone of the monitoring infrastructure for the routine operation of a university CSIRT. Furthermore, we welcome the professional support that comes with Flowmon solution. It allows us to focus on the core of our business.

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Computer Security Incident Response Team

Masaryk University

"Flowmon gives us a proactive tool for the debugging, redesign and planning of our ICT environment."

Milan Zmarzlak

Head of the ICT Department at Kofola


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