Research Papers

Analyst and expert research gives you the trusted insights to achieve your mission-critical priorities. Get verified peer-driven researches with forward-thinking insights.

How to Transform Your Network Operations with Flow Data

Learn more about the technical background of Flowmon Enriched Flow Data technology, which enables you to resolve 95% of all troubleshooting cases.

EMA Radar Report: Network Performance Management

EMA Radar report provides insights about NPM vendors to help IT organizations choose the best network performance management solution depending on the organizational maturity of each vendor, budget ...

Advanced Analysis of Data Network Traffic

E-book dives deep into the secrets of flow-based network monitoring to show you what can covered with flow.

IDG: Research on Encrypted Traffic Threats

It has been estimated that encrypted traffic provides the cover for almost half of today’s cyber-attacks. Get a snapshot of the encrypted traffic challenges.

Encrypted Traffic Analysis

Encryption as a security measure created a grey zone of traffic with unlimited space for attackers to hide their activity. Learn how to work with it.

How to Transform Your Network Operations with Flow Data

Learn more about the technical background of Flowmon Enriched Flow Data technology, which enables you to resolve 95% of all troubleshooting cases.

EMA Radar Report: Network Performance Management

EMA Radar report provides insights about NPM vendors to help IT organizations choose the best network performance management solution depending on the organizational maturity of each vendor, budget ...

Advanced Analysis of Data Network Traffic

E-book dives deep into the secrets of flow-based network monitoring to show you what can covered with flow.

IDG: Research on Encrypted Traffic Threats

It has been estimated that encrypted traffic provides the cover for almost half of today’s cyber-attacks. Get a snapshot of the encrypted traffic challenges.

Encrypted Traffic Analysis

Encryption as a security measure created a grey zone of traffic with unlimited space for attackers to hide their activity. Learn how to work with it.

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