Manufacturing, EMEA
Network Performance Monitoring at OMT

Officine Meccaniche Torino S.p.A. (OMT) boasts decades of experience and a wealth of know-how in fuel-injection systems for distillate and heavy fuels. It helps its customers to optimize their diesel, gas, and dual-fuel engines by offering a wide range of customized fuel injection equipment specially tailored to suit the requirements of every particular customer. Founded in 1930, OMT has served engine builders with dependable, high-precision fuel injection equipment from the early days of large diesel engines.


  • Centralized visibility into network traffic
  • Visibility into virtual environments
  • Policy compliance

Key benefits

  • Single overview of traffic structure
  • Anomaly detection and behavior analysis


“We take pride in the precision machining of parts we supply to our customers, and to do that, we need a well-functioning network,” says Massimo Petrini, Factory Manager at OMT. The company was suffering from latency issues and wanted to improve the security of their IT infrastructure. “The lack of visibility was an issue for us,” continues Petrini, “we needed to know details about our usage and its long-term development to make sure our operation is smooth and stable.”

OMT started looking into solutions that would bring transparency to their network and carried out a PoC with several of them. “The reason we chose Flowmon in the end, was the fact that, unlike the competing solutions, it did not focus on just security, but network performance monitoring as well.” The one-month PoC, performed by implementation partner 3C Informatica SRL discovered previously unknown latency spikes and other issues, all of which were discussed in a detailed report the partner created for OMT at the end of the testing period.


The solution is deployed in a virtual environment and consists of a virtual Collector with Flowmon ADS. This combination provides insight into network traffic and detects network-borne threats. 3C Informatica provided consultancy for the customer, reviewing the data periodically, and maintaining the solution.

“With the data from Flowmon, we could immediately move to resolve the performance issues and make sure that the degradations don’t repeat in the future,” says Petrini. “In our line of work, we want to focus on manufacturing high-quality fuel injection equipment, and thanks to the solution, we can do just that without worrying about a slow network.”


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