Cloud Application Performance Monitoring

Get visibility. Troubleshoot effectively. Keep your workforce in the zone.

Despite its benefits, cloud adoption comes at the cost of losing control over the quality of mission-critical systems. Flowmon gives this control back to NetOps teams by providing a true cloud-focused performance monitoring tool that allows them to analyze and troubleshoot cloud traffic anywhere along the application delivery chain.

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How to Identify Cloud Service Degradation

Since employees can connect to an app from a mobile phone via a crowded airport Wi-Fi, there is usually little that NetOps can do to ensure smooth service. Despite this, they are often held accountable, even for SaaS applications managed entirely by a third party.

Flowmon tracks interactions between users and applications by analyzing network traffic and reveals bottlenecks anywhere along the delivery chain - no matter if they fall within the scope of your responsibility or the service provider’s.

Gain Leverage Over Service Providers

Flowmon shows you precisely what is hindering user experience. It uses analytics to filter away information noise, sorts the data and visualizes it in a well-organized interface that shows the precise nature and origin of performance issues.

The solution eliminates the uncertainty that comes with relying on providers to keep your business-critical applications functioning. With actionable data in hand, you will have the knowledge to troubleshoot effectively, or the leverage to take providers to task and get the service you are paying for.

App Performance Monitoring on Any Platform

Flowmon provides a passive, scalable and easy-to-deploy technology that can be used universally across heterogenous digital environments.

Flowmon uses passive network sensors available as virtual appliances in the private and public cloud, accessible from their respective marketplace (Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud), to inspect all traffic for application-related communications. It stores information about all user transactions and measures delays in the platform, network and response times for different application components. This is how you can track problems down to the level of individual user transactions and continuously improve the application to prevent serious impacts.

How to Get Cloud Traffic Data

Native Traffic Mirroring

Utilize native traffic mirroring from Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud to send raw network packets from virtual interfaces to Flowmon. This data is processed by Flowmon Probes that extract network telemetry data from L2-L7 (IPFIX) and full packets.

Third-party vTAP

Virtual TAP mirrors traffic to the monitoring ports of Flowmon Collector (a built-in feature to generate IPFIX/NetFlow). Some 3rd party agents also provide IPFIX data directly instead of raw network traffic. Flowmon supports vTaps from major vendors such as IXIA, Gigamon and Garland.


The native cloud feature provides CSV/JSON log files with a similar content like NetFlow v5 that has information used to reconstruct traffic charts and other information. Supported format is AWS VPC FlowLogs, Google Could VPC FlowLogs and Azure NSG FlowLogs.

SaaS Application Monitoring

In SaaS monitoring, where you don’t manage the application, distinguishing between network and applications and pinpointing failing delivery components is still possible in spite of the fact that no access to payload to monitor specific transactions is available. 

Flowmon pinpoints the root cause of problems by measuring the time it takes a packet to travel from the local network to the SaaS provider and back, and the time it takes for the SaaS provider’s server to respond. Additionally, volumetric statistics can help to diagnose whether the capacity of the local link can carry the SaaS load, and jitter can reveal unstable network connections.

User Experience Monitoring vs. Synthetic testing

If you only seek to measure SLAs, compare them over different geographies or measure application availability, you can make use of synthetic testing. It is a complementary technology that uses scripts distributed across your environment, which actively and automatically test the application based on predefined scenarios. Synthetic testing is an excellent early warning detection system, as it works even in off-peak times, where there are no users interacting with applications. In such cases, UXM cannot measure their experience, but synthetic monitoring can.

If you combine both these approaches, you eliminate blind spots and improve user experience, thus reducing threat to your mission-critical services. They give you an understanding of the interactions between your clients and your business as well as transparency and full control over suppliers.


You can deploy Flowmon in a few minutes from marketplaces in Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud:

You can choose whether to host Flowmon in a private or public cloud, a virtual environment or as a HW in a data centre. No matter what your preferences are, a single dashboard will always provide visibility across your entire IT landscape.


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