With 2.3 million clients, Slovenska sporitelna (Slovak Savings Bank) is one of the largest banks in the country. Its large-scale infrastructure is being continuously improved to meet todays’ requirements for a modern IT infrastructure. “In the beginning, it was necessary for Slovenska sporitelna to resolve its network issues more effectively. Therefore, a request to implement network monitoring tools arose. The goal of the implementation was to provide the bank with a tool that detects security incidents and anomalies, which can affect company operations and the satisfaction of its employees and customers,” commented Roman Cupka, Flowmon Country Manager in Slovakia.

Flowmon is a next generation network monitoring tool helping companies to manage and secure their IT environment. The solution has succeeded in the very demanding stress tests of Slovenska sporitelna, when emphasis was placed on information security - both from a legislative requirement perspective and for internal processes. In addition to network behaviour analysis and anomaly detection capabilities, Flowmon provided the bank with detailed network traffic visibility and an intuitive user interface when working with the solution.

“Our network department solves dozens of tasks relating to management of the regular IT infrastructure on a daily basis. Flowmon provides us with network visibility which we had previously lacked. Thanks to the integration with standard security incident process management, we have increased our ability to identify incidents and react in a timely manner," says Jan Adamovsky, CISO at Slovenska sporitelna.

Flowmon’s implementation at Slovenska sporitelna consists of several network probes and a central collector which collects and analyses network traffic information exported from active elements. Moreover, the whole solution is equipped with a unique system for anomaly detection and network behaviour analysis. This Flowmon Anomaly Detection System is fully integrated with the SIEM system for the purposes of single site collection and the evaluation of security incidents.

Financial institutions have to manage an increasingly complex IT infrastructure, since the adoption of technology such as software defined networking and virtualization, and a growing number of applications and services have become part of the mainstream. Every breach of network infrastructure or crucial business system can cause them financial loss, reputation damage or the dissatisfaction of employees. “Flowmon helps organisations to face these challenges by providing network and security administrators with detailed knowledge of what is happening in their IT environment. A combination of flow monitoring technology with behavioural analysis provided by Flowmon allows them to detect operational issues and strengthen their network security significantly,” adds Roman Cupka.