"We greatly appreciate the wonderful help from Flowmon for our treasured patients. Together we can help them in their daily struggle with Butterfly disease to live to the fullest and suffer as little as possible. We can also empower our ‘Butterflies’, as we call our patients with Butterfly disease, to fulfil their whishes. Thanks to everyone from Flowmon for supporting us and being part of our story," said Pavel Melichárek, Director of DEBRA CZ.

At the Christmas party, everyone could buy a charity raffle ticket, the proceeds of which went to children with the rare skin condition. In total, 21,000 CZK was collected during the evening. Debra finally received 42,000 CZK from the people of Flowmon, thanks to the decision of CEO Jiří Tobola, who doubled the amount.

"It is a pleasure to work with such people who have a big heart and do not hesitate to help when they see the opportunity. I am truly proud of them," said Radana Jenáčková, Head of the HR Department at Flowmon Networks. "And I already know that some Flowmoners will continue supporting Debra CZ."

The charity DEBRA CZ supports people with the rare skin disease called ‘Butterfly’ disease - Epidermolysis bullosa congenita (EB). The charity tries to improve the life quality of people suffering from the disease.