The Association for Early Intervention currently supports 150 families raising children with visual impairments, often in combination with other serious diagnoses. With a donation of 1000 Eur, Flowmon supported the purchase of the new car that advisors from the Association’s regional centre can use for their trips to families.

“Reliable and safe cars are essential for our advisors. Each cares for 20 to 25 families, and travels up to 150 kilometres away from Brno. Last year they drove together about 75 thousand kilometres. We often carry toys and sensory or rehabilitation aids, which we could not do without a car. For families this is a great benefit since they do not have to travel anywhere with their children. Everything happens in a familiar home environment where children are relaxed and it is much easier to work with them,” said Irena Jelínková from the Early Intervention Centre in Brno.

The Association for Early Intervention works with both children and parents. It helps them to cope in the most difficult and unexpected situations. The Association works directly with the child, recommending appropriate aids and showing parents how to use them correctly so the aid can help in the child’s development.

“Since its foundation, Flowmon has been trying to be beneficial to its region. We are happy to help where help is needed. Our employees always bring their tips and help us to decide where the help should be directed to,” said Andrea Vaverková, Marketing Director at Flowmon Networks.

In the past, Flowmon supported the organisation of Ratolest Brno, as well as families from St Margaret’s shelter, children with special educational needs of Sekaninova Primary School and many other projects. From the global projects, Flowmon contributed to the UNICEF Clean Water project.