For twenty years, the annual “Top 100 ICT Companies in the Czech Republic” yearbook provides an overview of the Czech IT technology landscape including the list of the top players on the market. Due to the strong revenue growth in 2015, Flowmon Networks has strengthen its position in the ranking once again.


“This year, many firms have had a reason to celebrate. In average, the companies that took part in our survey have seen their revenues grow 11,4% year-over-year in the last fiscal period. It’s worth mentioning that these higher revenues have been achieved with practically the same number of employees. This growing effectiveness in the ICT market is yet another piece of good news brought by this years’ survey,” says Alexander Lichy, Project Manager of the Top 100 ICT companies in the Czech Republic yearbook.


The revenue growth of Flowmon Networks in 2015 was primarily driven by the demand from the enterprise segment for an advanced security solution against cyber threats, Flowmon ADS. We also recognized greater interest in Flowmon APM, a solution for application performance monitoring, and Flowmon DDoS Defender for the detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks.


The ranking is announced every year on the attained turnover basis. In addition to business profiles and economic results, the yearbook also brings market analysis made by Gartner, IDC and PAC analysts.