Bike to Work is a team competition for companies and institutions which aims to motivate as many people as possible to use bike as a regular means of transportation. “Most people here in Flowmon Networks have a positive attitude to sports. This is actively encouraged by our company via several sport teambuildings. I’m pleased that we have managed to put together as many as three cycling teams,” says Lubos Lunter, the Product Manager of Flowmon solution and the coordinator of BtW project in the company.

The motto of this years’ BtW competition is “Thousand reasons why bike to work”. “I believe that those colleagues, who have joined this initiative, will discover their own reason why leave a car at home and use an alternative way of commuting. No matter if it is ecology, health or the desire to avoid traffic jams. Maybe they will also inspire other colleagues, Flowmoners, and they will cycle to work not only in May,” adds Lunter.

The Bike to Work competition offers several competition categories focusing on the number or length of their bike trips and other disciplines. Flowmoners decided not only to compete against teams of other businesses from the region, but also to compete against one another within the internal company-wide competition. “I appreciate that we have encouraged not only regular bikers, but also people who usually commute to work by car. The ‘team spirit” has done its part and now we are planning rides to work as well as collective cycling trips after working hours . We are also supported by non-participating colleagues, who can now enjoy more free slots in our crowded car park,” comments Lunter with a smile.

Last year, more than 1100 companies joined Bike to Work. Except at participants themselves, the campaign aims at the management of companies and institutions because it is them, the employers, who can significantly motivate their employees to use bicycles in order to commute to work. Competition categories “The Cyclo-employer of the Year” and “The Best Company-wide Competition” are there to incentivise companies to offer the best conditions to the employees who want to cycle to work.