The Security Expert Center services are based on a subscription model which helps customers to cut costs related to investments into in-house security systems and staff. Everything is handled by SEC, the specialized Managed Security Services Provider. “Our customers does not need to invest into their own security infrastructure. At the same time, they can rest assured that their assets are protected and safe,” says Jiri Sedlak, director of SEC at O2 ITS, in the official press release (in CZ).

According to O2 IT Services, last year cyber threats caused financial losses of 62 billion USD to European businesses. SEC helps customers to face these risks by the combination of expert knowledge and the support of advanced security technologies.

As a part of SEC services, Flowmon takes care of network security monitoring and anomaly detection. The deployment consists of virtual appliances, Flowmon Probes, a virtual appliance Flowmon Collector and a module for the automatic detection of anomalies. Thanks to Flowmon, SEC has gained visibility into the network traffic, including application layer visibility (L7). Moreover Flowmon ADS permanently observes and analyses data communication seeking anomalies and revealing suspicious behavior which brings the customers an unparalleled added value.

photo, source: O2 CZ