This year’s 23rd annual competition Czech Innovation Awards 2018 saw 212 products from different market segments registered to take part in the award competition. The Innovation Awards are managed by the Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic (AIP ČR) and under the auspices of the President of the Czech Republic. From twelve finalists, the prestigious, INNOVATION OF THE YEAR 2018 AWARD, went to Flowmon DDoS Defender. The expert jury, in their evaluation, focused on four main criteria:

Technical level of the product

Originality of the solution

Market position

Environmental impact

“We see our success in the competition as a great appreciation of our efforts to bring to our customers quality products with added value. We are very pleased with the decision of the jury that found our solution to be so innovative that they preferred it to all the others, especially with such a high number of challengers in this year’s award. Our winning success in this competition confirms to us once more that investment in R&D has positive effects even elsewhere other than just for our customers,” said Andrea Vaverková, Marketing Director at Flowmon.

The evaluation was led by a ten-member jury comprising experts from the Czech Academy of Sciences, the Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic, CzechInno, the Czech society for Quality, Czech Technical University in Prague, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, and the Office of Industrial Property.

The award ceremony took place on the 4th of December 2018, at the Belvedere Hotel in Prague. All the registered products for the award can be found here.