Poland Flowmon Day took place in a pleasant and informal atmosphere of the Mariacka Brewery Restaurant in Katowice. The two-day conference was aimed at experts, partners and customers wanting to maintain reliable and secure networks. The conference was opened by the Sales Director for CEE, Jaroslav Štusák, who then gave the floor to customers to present their case studies.

The conference participants saw several examples of the Flowmon solution deployed at Orange Polska S. A, by applying Flowmon ADS at the Auschwitz Town Hall, including a solution for protecting the SCADA environment as presented by PKP Energetyka S.A. At the end of the day, a roadmap was presented showing the upcoming period which was devoted to current and future innovations in the Flowmon portfolio.

The next day was given over to the technology partners, who introduced the participants to the main benefits of cooperating with Flowmon. A representative of the company Gigamon showed how to optimize and increase network traffic visibility, Novicom concentrated on integrated network management and network security for quick troubleshooting and Wallix primarily on security. The culmination was a live demonstration of hacking by the ethical hacker Jindřich Dudek. He demonstrated a real hacker attack and a way to detect such an attack using Flowmon.