"Water is a basic human need, yet despite this, in many places in the world there is a lack of water, which severely affects the everyday life of the local people. The work of organisations such as UNICEF is irreplaceable. With Flowmon I'm glad we are able to contribute to the activities of UNICEF," says Andrea Vaverková, marketing manager at Flowmon Networks.

The company has donated thirty-thousand crowns to the project to ensure safe drinking water. The UNICEF project "WASH" makes resources available for digging wells, installing water pumps and water purification plants. The project also raises awareness of water-borne diseases. Within the framework of the project education is also secured in the field of hygiene so that future epidemic and diseases associated with contaminated water are eliminated.

"Here at Flowmon we regularly try to help good causes, especially in our region. So, for example, we have supported the organisation Ratolest Brno, families from St. Margaret’s refuge, and also children with special educational needs at Sekaninova primary school. Supporting international organisations such as UNICEF is certainly no exception," says Andrea Vaverková.

And Flowmon customers also had a part to play in donating to UNICEF. Earlier this year Flowmon carried out a customer survey where every completed questionnaire contributed to a good cause.

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) works in over 190 countries of the world, ensuring health care, nutrition, safe drinking water and hygiene, basic education and protection from violence, abuse and the risks of AIDS. The largest part of the help is aimed at those parts of the world where the situation of children is critical. More often than not, help is given to the poorest countries and to areas affected by natural disaster or war. For more than a half-century of its activities UNICEF has helped save the lives of hundreds of millions of children.