The scale and complexity of managing hyper-connected, constantly changing network environments requires a new type of solution, one that overcomes the limitations of SNMP and packet capture approach, so that organisations can truly ensure the reliability and security of their business services. Used by many of the world’s forward-thinking companies such as SEGA, KBC, Orange and GEANT, Flowmon is the most comprehensive solution helping customers to overcome uncertainty, translate business requirements into IT goals and control their networks with confidence.

“Flowmon 10 revolutionizes the industry by bringing together network operations and security operations in a single solution. This approach delivers unprecedented value to our customers who need to ensure cross-team cooperation when dealing with incidents,” says Pavel Minarik, Chief Technology Officer at Flowmon Networks. “The solution addresses the needs of our customers with our most scalable and feature-rich offering to date, solidifying our position as a leading innovator in the field.”

Flowmon 10 introduces several enterprise-focused features helping businesses to monitor and analyse network traffic in geographically different locations from a single point, detect and resolve internal threats, as well as to defend against cyber-threats bypassing traditional security tools and optimize IT operation costs. The most notable highlights are:

Hyperscalable Network Analytics

  • Thanks to Distributed Architecture design, businesses are provided with an orchestration platform that allows to manage and analyze data from multiple Flowmon Collectors, even in geographically separate locations. This brings hypers-scalable real-time monitoring, load balancing, high availability and long data retention.

Cloud Monitoring Support

  • Deployed in Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS public clouds, Flowmon provides network administrators and security engineers with a deep understanding of what is happening in their cloud or hybrid environments. Customers can start collecting flow data or take advantage of Microsoft Azure vTAP to mirror traffic into monitoring ports of Flowmon Collector.

Encrypted Traffic Analysis

  • Flowmon 10 brings visibility into SSL/TLS traffic analysis, helping businesses to discover threats hidden in encrypted traffic and strengthening their protection capabilities. With the encryption on the rise, attackers have accommodated their strategies of penetrating perimeter protection. As a result, signature based detection tools are literally out of the game. According to Gartner, 80% of traffic will be encrypted in 2019 which makes packet capture solutions non-effective in malware discovery.

​Visibility into IoT/ICS environments

  • Flowmon 10 extends the capabilities of the monitoring system with new features and capabilities to monitoring IoT environment (represented by the CoAP protocol) and the ICS/SCADA environment in energy distribution technology networks (represented by the IEC 104 protocol). Such visibility goes for beyond traditional use cases of flow-based monitoring tools, bringing benefits of Enriched Flow Data to IoT/ICS operators.

Revised User Interface

  • Flowmon 10 is yet another stop on our long term initiative that will end up with completely new user-centric design of the solution. This will help IT teams to cooperate better and significantly shorten MTTR via unified view across network, application and security dimensions. Flowmon 10 Walkthrough video is available here.

For more information please see the Flowmon 10.0 Release Notes, visit Flowmon Online Demo or download 30-day free Trial