"Formerly we called our network a Black Box because it was unclear what kind of traffic was under way," said Wouter Kors, IT Architect of Amstelland Hospital. “Regularly there were applications' reports informing us about delays or poor performace of our network . Sometimes we worked with the traditional tools and spent four to eight hours trying to figure out such issue. With Flowmon you can quickly pinpoint the latency. To discover an issue now costs only 15 minutes.”

Hospitals are also responsible for the security of medical devices, which are connected more frequently to the network and therefore are vulnerable to cyber attacks. "Although medical equipment often has its own virus scanner, it is not by default from the side of supplier," says Kors. "Flowmon signals the threat on the basis of abnormal behavior. Also looking at potential data leaks and required law, Flowmon is an essential tool providing us with necessary insight into the network traffic."

Amstelland Hospital uses Flowmon for all network traffic to and from the data center, Internet, DMZ and campus network to continuously monitor and analyze traffic centrally. In case of a cyber attack or other security issue, rapid detection is crucial. Amstelland Hospital aslo uses Flowmon Anomaly Detection System (ADS) which is part of Flowmon. ADS keeps a profile of each connected device and detects the malware or infected system on the basis of behavior deviations.

Vosko is a Gold Partner of Flowmon which is focused mainly on health care sector. "Thanks Vosko's deep networking expertise and years of experience with network infrastructure of hospitals, they have created a fast and affordable deployment," said Frank Dupker, Country Manager Benelux Flowmon.