Voiceworks designs, develops and delivers professional B2B communication services ensuring 24/7 availability to its customers. Its communication platform is completely developed in-house and is considered leading edge for the telecoms sector. “After ample testing and comparison Flowmon Networks offered the best functionality against a fair pricing. We are happy with their support during PoC and the knowledge of partner Infradata,” says Steve Pit, COO at Voiceworks.

Flowmon DDoS Defender is a solution for detection and mitigation of DDoS threat. Project for Voiceworks is yet another implementation of the Defender in Benelux. The solution helps to protect customers i.e. of Cyso, a Dutch provider of managed services, or Uniserver, a cloud hosting provider. “Business productivity of the ISP’s customers is dependent on consistent availability. Every minute of downtime causes major finance, customer and reputation loses. The artificial intelligence of Flowmon DDoS Defender is using machine learning and heuristics to detect and respond to volumentric attacks. Thanks to that, every ISP, hosting or cloud provider has its network under control and see his customers satisfied,” explains Frank Dupker, Country Manager Benelux at Flowmon Networks.

Flowmon DDoS Defender can be deployed without any configuration changes, topology changes or any additional investments in the network components. Thanks to that it is possible to detect the volumetric attacks led against the IT infrastructure, servers, critical systems or applications in real time. Learn more here.